Sum up twentytwentythree and celebrate the year to come with us at Solviken. A lovely New Years supper, mingle and fire works over a pitch black Kattegatt. Already at lunch those of you who want a relaxed start of the celebration meet up with locals at our bubble bar for a glas of champagne.
Ahh ... success four years in a row. Of course we do it again. Two hours outside mingle. Drop by and wish neighbours, good friends and frankly any one a really happy ending of 2024 with a glas of bubbles.

New Year’s Menu
Gratinated langoustines
Grill buffet with three different cuts of meat: Iberico Pluma, beef tenderloin, lamb sirloin, and a grilled fish
Dessert platter with crème brûlée, lemon tart, and praline

New Year’s Deal
When the apéritif is gulped down, we gather at the table for New Year's dinner. Two seatings, one at 7 PM and one at 8 PM. Satisfied and content, we then enjoy live music with Lady2Duo. At midnight, we raise our glasses to toast with champagne and watch the fireworks. Afterward, we continue dancing for a few more hours.
Gather your motorhome friends and celebrate New Year's together! Call your relatives from elsewhere and come together in Varberg! Or simply come as you are and make new friends here! We have put together several New Year's deals with festivities and accommodation.
There are New Year's deals for those with a motorhome or caravan and for those who prefer a hotel, for two or four people. Starting from SEK 1245 per person.