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Life should be lived by the edge of a pool. Or possibly in it. Everything becomes a bit more rollicking that way. A bit more comfortable. A bit more delightful. The pool is what many long for all winter. Relaxation. Play. Laughter. For many, the very essence of a family's summer vacation. And how lucky we are to have one for all of that. Actually, two. For the little ones, there's a separate wading pool.


And if one wants to change things up a bit now. You don't have to, but if you still yearn for sand between your toes, saltwater, or water slides, there's plenty of other swimming options. Scroll down and discover some of our favorites from around.

Vitkalkade Wood



Right by the pool. Breakfast all year round. Occasional we've brunch and tastings during the winter months. Breakfast meetings if you like. But above all, wonderfully uncomplicated relaxation by the poolside. When you've tired of splashing around a bit before the kids. When all the swimming requires a recharge of energy or the entire delightful atmosphere needs to be complemented with a glass of rosé. Family quizzes in the afternoon and a stage for 'Småstjärnorna'.

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Vitkalkade Wood
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Not just swimming

The pool is not just for swimming. It's also intense exercise. Together with Actic, we have water aerobics several times a week throughout the summer.

Vitkalkade Wood



Other spots to dip your feets? - What a question, you don't come to Varberg for anything else. Varberg and beaches are practically synonymous. The entire coast is full of them. Just between Apelviken and the fortress, a stretch of about 3 km, there are twelve possible swimming spots, two bathhouses, three nude beaches, two pools... Getterön alone has five bathing coves, and of course, you can take a dip in the sea just about anywhere. Visit Varberg has an excellent guide - check it out. Here, we thought we'd share some personal favorites. Places where we ourselves like to take a plunge. The Fästningsbadet with its diving tower is a favorite for slightly older children, but a lovely spot for all swimmers nestled in the shadow of the fortress walls. The Kallbadhuset nearby is a classic and, objectively speaking, Varberg's most beautiful building

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The Penguin

Water slides, whirlpool, bubble pool, climbing nets. Three saunas, water play for the little ones, and a café. We don't need to say more. The Penguin is just great! All year round.

Kåsa and others

And Kåsa, or 'Lilla Apelviken' as it's real name, but no one says that. Just around the corner, 350 meters from the reception. 'Ankaret', of course. Or 'Djupa Dräkt' as it's actually named, but no one says that either. Mention 'Ankaret' to any Varberg resident, and watch how their eyes moisten. The Swimming Stadium is nothing less than a piece of historic sports heritage in the old quarry near the fortress. Four pools with tempered seawater from the Kattegatt, right outside.


A lake? - Yep, there is some. But we prefer to swim in saltwater.

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Cold baths


The pool may be closed then, but sub-zero temperatures and snowfall don't deter the brave. Bathing even takes place in the harsh winter months. In fact, they seem to get some sort of kick from cold baths. It must be something to do with endorphins. There are several bathing ladders available year-round. The nearest one is in Kåsa.


And as strange as it may sound, we have a bathing deal at the end of January. We call it Bada!

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